Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shocking Footage from Iran

Today will mark the fourth day of protests in Iran after supporters of opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, claim that Friday's election results were rigged. A recount may happen, which would be limited in scope and performed by the Guardian Council, comprised of clerics and Islamic law experts close to leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Mousavi believes that this council is biased. If a recount produces the same results, it's possible that prostests will continue if the public doesn't trust the results. Foreign journalists have been banned from the streets of Iran and the government has blocked several websites from access, such as Facebook, Twitter, and many Pro-Mousavi websites. Gmail and Yahoo became difficult to connect to. These websites are vital sources of disseminating information for Iranians as well as a source of first hand information for those outside of Iran.

Here's a video
from the streets of Iran, obviously shot in an area where protests were occuring. Although the footage isn't exactly grousome, it's certainly not easy to watch. The Toronto Star also has some riviting photos from the protests.

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