Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Morals vs Ethics

One of my biggest fans posed the query: "is it wrong to look up your TA on facebook and marvel at all his sexually attractive glory, knowing that it will never happen between you two?"
I must ask, however, if it's even wrong to pursue a relationship with a teaching assistant? Is there a moral code against that? Most TA's are only a couple years older than the students, if that, and if you're anything like me or my friends, you will understand the sexual prowess that comes from being intelligent. Problem: how would you even approach that situation? "Can we get together over coffee to discuss Foucault and how he might percieve the current discourse on the economic situation of..." *YAWN*. No one actually wants to discuss course work over coffee and if they do, well they're probably not that fun to be around anyway.
But back to the original question, I deem that this behaviour is legitimized through the TA's own decision to leave his profile open for public, and questionably stalker-like, viewing.
If anyone wants to inform me about the difference between morals and ethics, I'd enjoy a lively discussion about it. Maybe over coffee?

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