Tuesday, October 20, 2009


People always (sometimes) ask me how I learned to do my makeup. Compared to the average person, I have skills but not compared to the girls at Smokin' Makeup. Back in the day, when I was about 15, Live Journal was a pretty big deal among my friends and I. This was before MySpace and Facebook and the recent surge in blogs (even in 2003 people thought that everyone cared about their thoughts, feelings and actions. Even in 2009, no one cares). When I wasn't complaining about how miserable my life was on LiveJournal, I used the website to help me be not miserable. The plan was to live vicariously though internet punk rock chicks and emulate them in any way possible. For me, makeup was a tool that made me feel confident, made me stand out, and had the potential of making me part of an elite group of bad, dirty kids. If I won the lottery, one of the first things I would do (apart from buying a Golf) is raid the MAC store for all it's goodies.
I guess my point is that if you want to be good at something, get inspired and practice. Don't get discouraged. And if learning to do your makeup well is on your priority list, please check out the book that changed everything for me, Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin (rest in peace).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sex and Love are a Renewable Resource

So hook up with your good friends. And then once it stops being awkward, do it again. Repeat.
Warning: it might be awkward forever!!!
Also, hook up with ex boyfriends. It's a great way to keep your "number" down. You already know each other well enough. So hook up, and let all those emotions come flooding back, struggle to get over it. Repeat.
Warning: you'll never get over it!!!!
Why do people get so irrational when it comes to sex and love? The feminist and church hater in me wants to think that we're so used to hearing that sex will destroy us emotionally if we end up being rejected that we end up believing it and living it. But what about men? Do they get emotional about sex? And what about the women who can sleep with 20 guys and never fall in love? Someone please enlighten me.
Forget sex. Sex is retardedly simple when you compare it to love. Chuck Klosterman wrote that he will never be satisfied with a woman and a woman will never be satisfied with him and it's all a result of popular culture and the idealization of heart stopping-jaw dropping-pants wetting love as is depicted in Hollywood narratives and pop songs. "The main problem with mass media," he says, "is that it makes it impossible to fall in love with any acumen of normalcy."
I have no idea what real love is anymore. And sex is terribly overrated.