Tuesday, October 20, 2009


People always (sometimes) ask me how I learned to do my makeup. Compared to the average person, I have skills but not compared to the girls at Smokin' Makeup. Back in the day, when I was about 15, Live Journal was a pretty big deal among my friends and I. This was before MySpace and Facebook and the recent surge in blogs (even in 2003 people thought that everyone cared about their thoughts, feelings and actions. Even in 2009, no one cares). When I wasn't complaining about how miserable my life was on LiveJournal, I used the website to help me be not miserable. The plan was to live vicariously though internet punk rock chicks and emulate them in any way possible. For me, makeup was a tool that made me feel confident, made me stand out, and had the potential of making me part of an elite group of bad, dirty kids. If I won the lottery, one of the first things I would do (apart from buying a Golf) is raid the MAC store for all it's goodies.
I guess my point is that if you want to be good at something, get inspired and practice. Don't get discouraged. And if learning to do your makeup well is on your priority list, please check out the book that changed everything for me, Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin (rest in peace).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sex and Love are a Renewable Resource

So hook up with your good friends. And then once it stops being awkward, do it again. Repeat.
Warning: it might be awkward forever!!!
Also, hook up with ex boyfriends. It's a great way to keep your "number" down. You already know each other well enough. So hook up, and let all those emotions come flooding back, struggle to get over it. Repeat.
Warning: you'll never get over it!!!!
Why do people get so irrational when it comes to sex and love? The feminist and church hater in me wants to think that we're so used to hearing that sex will destroy us emotionally if we end up being rejected that we end up believing it and living it. But what about men? Do they get emotional about sex? And what about the women who can sleep with 20 guys and never fall in love? Someone please enlighten me.
Forget sex. Sex is retardedly simple when you compare it to love. Chuck Klosterman wrote that he will never be satisfied with a woman and a woman will never be satisfied with him and it's all a result of popular culture and the idealization of heart stopping-jaw dropping-pants wetting love as is depicted in Hollywood narratives and pop songs. "The main problem with mass media," he says, "is that it makes it impossible to fall in love with any acumen of normalcy."
I have no idea what real love is anymore. And sex is terribly overrated.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Whine about Wine

I'm a big fan of wine. It all started as a childhood curiosity at special family dinners when everyone, except me, being the youngest, had a glass of wine. My sister started getting into wine a few years ago and treated me to Zinfandel, a light, cheap "beginners" wine from California. Since dating a guy whose family are, professionally, wine connoisseurs, I learned a fair bit about wine and gained an appreciation for the unique climate and soil that allows the Niagara region to be one of the only places in Canada where grapes can be grown for wine. The world of wine in Niagara has seen some setbacks recently, however.

The Niagara Wine Festival (or commonly known as the Grape and Wine Festival) is a fantastic shit show that many people look forward to every year. However, the state of the economy has made organizers scale back the event. Corporate sponsorship is down and the festival has to rely on a $100,000 line of credit from the city to keep the gears moving. There are hopes that the festival will receive a $200,000 grant from Industry Canada to support the festival, a prospect that is still unknown.

But I wonder if any festival goes have stopped to consider those "Green Belt Disaster" signs sprinkled across the region. Driving past, it's hard to get the gist of what the signs are implying. Even a simple google search failed to come up with answers. But dig a little deeper and you will find that industry insiders and wine connoisseurs are pissed that wineries are importing grapes from international producers to mix with local wines. Wine makers only have to use 30% local grapes to be considered "cellared in Canada," a label that is misleading to shoppers at the LCBO. The result is cheaper wine, which rattles me even more because I can't comprehend how shipping wine from outside the country is cheaper than growing grapes and producing and bottling wine in our own backyards. It doesn't really make sense.
Anyway, the implication is that lots and lots of grapes are being left on the vines to rot because there is no use for them. Farmers suffer because the wineries don't want their more expensive grapes. And yet, that 30% counts for something. If people were to boycott the "Cellared in Canada" wines the economic implications would make the situation worse, suspects Rick Vansickle who suggests the region should just get serious and plant more grapes, as mass production often leads to a cheaper product. Personally, I'm going to buy more VQA wine... at least Peelee Island makes $10 bottles.

By the way, Grape and Wine starts September 18th and ends of the 27th. Details here.

The Truth About Everything

My opinion is, and this goes for most unfair things that happen in the world, is that many people who are privileged, who feel a sense of natural entitlement to their current comforts, and who do not feel any social, political, or physical discomfort (which is a LOT of people), do not feel the need to relinquish or share some of their comforts to better the lives of those who don’t have it as good. There is one solution but I doubt that it will ever be realized: we need to dramatically reduce our dependence on, well, everything. Go back to basics. Give up our comforts so that plants, animals, marginalized people, and future generations don’t have to suffer because we felt entitled.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm totally in love with Seth Rogen

Some of my friends have made fun of, or at least commented upon my unusual taste in guys. I'm fully aware that my favorite type of guy is the usually unconventionally attractive, beta-male dorky loser pothead. Seth Rogen is different from these guys: he is sexy as fuck.

I've seen all of Seth Rogen's movies. [Actually, according to IMDB, I haven't seen a few of them: Horton Hears a Who; has anyone heard of Spiderwick Chronicles and Fanboys?]. I went to see Monsters vs Aliens for Rogen's character B.O.B. I watch the first and only season of Freaks and Geeks constantly for two days and swooned occasionally (ok, lots). I've seen Superbad about 5 times. And while most of my friends lust after more conventional Hollywood heartthrobs like Justin Timberlake, Johnny Depp, and Gerard Butler, I'm becoming obsessed with Seth Rogen. I've YouTube'd interviews with him. I've wikipedia'd his life story as a way to get to know him, to get closer to him. It's so wrong but it's so right. I love Seth Rogen and I'm going to have his children.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

RIP John Hughes

You might not recognize the name but undoubtedly you've seen the movies. John Hughes wrote and directed some of the best movies of the 80s and early 90s and defined a generation through film. My favorite titles include The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and National Lampoon's Vacation. You may also be familiar with the Beethoven and Home Alone series. Huges died today at age 59.
Hughes also provided us with some dreamy male lead characters.
Judd Nelson played John Bender, quintessential bad boy with a heart of gold. Plus he brings the LOLs.

On the other side of the spectrum we have pretty boy Jake Ryan played by Michael Schoeffling for whom I swoon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"There are no cash prizes and no eliminations; just a chance to answer the age old question: is love blind?"

Now that the latest season of The Bachelorette has come to a close (which I did not watch - I'm waiting for the next Bachelor) it's time for networks to fill the gap in between with yet another reality television show about dating and romance. In my opinion, nothing will ever top the awesome trashy salaciousness that was "Temptation Island," but this new show "Dating in the Dark" comes pretty close to being one of the most interesting dating/reality shows to date.
The concept is ingenious: three men and three women live in a house for ten days but are not allowed to interact with the opposite sex except inside a pitch black room where neither of them can see a thing. While in this room, each of them has to decide which member of opposite sex that they believe they have a connection with by dating them (in the dark!). At first glance, one would think that the show is promoting the adage "don't judge a book by it's cover," which is quite virtuous for a reality show. Indeed, participants make connections based on personality, and not looks.
UNTIL, after some one on one dates, including an awkward dinner in the dark (I can't wait for a spaghetti in the eye incident), participants reveal themselves to the person of their choice. Ok, first of all, it seemed very convenient that no one fought over anyone and no one said, "eh, nah, I don't like anyone here." It's not like any real person finds one in three people to be compatible with. ANYWAY, some how, participants pair up. Then they get to reveal themselves to each other, but only one at a time. Two of them are able to stand in the pitch black room together. Then, somehow, the light shines on only one of them while person who is under the light is unable to see the other person, who can see them. Then the other person is light up, while the other one is invisible under complete darkness... in the same room. So then, in an incredible plot twist, participants get to judge their partner by their appearance after all!
Granted, I've only seen the show once, but it seems as though the men came out on top. While the women were all content with the appearance of their potential suitor, the men picked apart some of their flaws. For example, one girl has an "unclear complexion" while another was "thick," which was problematic for her date who prefers "petite" girls (although his use of the word petite is wrong anyway). After the couples reveal themselves to each other separately, they may (or may not) see each other in complete light for the first time. The women wait on the balcony, while revealing their insecurities to the camera, and hope that their partner will come out, as a symbol of his interest in pursuing her further. I really hope that this in particular will change as the show continues and they switch up who is waiting like a damsel in distress on the balcony for his mate.
I know I'm beginning to sound harsh, especially since I just said that this show is great. And it is, mostly because encounters in pitch black darkness are incredibly hilarious. Also, because we get to see how shallow people are after getting to see their partner in the light for the first time.
I would recommend this show to anyone who enjoys some good trashy television, especially those of us who can't wait for the next season of The Bachelor to start. At the very worst, the patriarchal stereotypes will annoy you. At best, you'll get a hoot out of the awkward humor and take solace in the fact that you're better than the people on television (besides, that's what TV is for, right?).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MOC Talk

The first time I entered Fourtriplefive in downtown Niagara Falls, it was a different place all together.
Many people who are not native to the Falls or Niagara region may be surprised at what they find if they venture only a kilometre or two from the light show and circus that is Clifton Hill. Like many other working class Southern Ontario cities, like St. Catharines or Hamilton, Niagara has some wonderful gems that are in heavy contrast to the cold, grey streets of downtown, coloured only by the eccentric anomalies of random small shops and sketchy characters lurking the streets. However, there is a hint of positivity, a suggestion of progress on the streets which are separate from the tourist gaze.
The first time I went to 4555, it was only a short while after it opened. The building once was a night club, part of the seedy greyness of downtown Niagara Falls. The interior showed signs of aesthetic decay. It was quirky, but less than appealing. But anyone could see the possibility of potential.
Fourtriplefive was opened with the intention of becoming mecca for local artists and musicians, or a "living arts space." Then and now, original paintings and photographs of various styles are hung from the walls. To the back, there is a stage with a large open space in front. To the right of the stage, a staircase leads to the "book nook," a fairly large used book emporium.
All these features remain today, over a year after Fourtriplefive opened in its current incarnation. However, the walls have been painted, creating a cozy and welcoming environment. Old furniture gives the space a lounge-like appeal. The stage has been refurbished with decorations from a local furniture store. But I believe that Fourtriplefive's saving grace, apart from its recent acquisition of a liquor licence, is "MOC Talk," a monthly feature similar to a late night talk show, taped live from 4555.
MOC is an acronym for "musicians online community," and as the name suggests, the show focuses mainly on local music. Last month, from front and center, I got to watch the magic unfold. While MOC Talk could be compared to the real life version of Waynes World, it's also serious business. Joe Stracuzzi and crew equipped the room with great sound equipment which is run and monitored from a station, with lots of intimidating equipment and multiple Macbooks, set up in the middle of the room. There are about five camera operators, a stage manager, a big screen showing awesome graphic designs and video during the live taping, and of course, a charismatic and slightly eccentric long-haired host.
Arriving about an hour early, I was curious about how many people would show up to this event. To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting much. There were several tables in front of the stage reserved for special guests as well as around 40 chairs and a few couches around the room. Virtually all the seats were full by the time the show was about to begin, which is proof of the fan base the independent production has built in just eight episodes.
The show consisted of back and forth banter between the host, Blenderhead and his newly acquired sidekick-on-keyboard, Joel. Blenderhead interviewed musical guests, such as Ginger St. James, a singer/songwriter and burlesque dancer. Ginger performed on acoustic guitar her sexually explicitly blend of rockabilly tunes accompanied by a lead guitarist. Ginger was followed by the comedic styling of Robert Browning and his (sometimes offensive) observations on life and love. Blenderhead then interviewed artist Anna Ripmeester, who painted live during the taping and whose works were featured throughout Fourtriplefive. The Roxwells were then interviewed and performed a couple of hard rocking songs. The show finished with the crowd rushing the stage and dancing up a storm. After the live taping people are encouraged to stick around as the musical guests perform until 2 and drinks are plentiful.
Check out past episodes of MOC talk at moctalk.ca. The episode I attended should be online very soon so check it out and look for me in the crowd. The next episode of MOC Talk is being taped at Four Triple Five on July 31st. More info can be found on the official facebook group.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Worst Commercial Ever

On a road trip to Pittsburgh, my friends and I got coffee from McDonalds, from their new McCafe menu. I have to say, their cappuccino's aren't bad. It's no Starbucks, but what do these women in this commercial care? They're obviously too dumb to tell the difference.
The problem with this commercial is that it contributes to the trashy image that McDonalds has and promotes ignorance. Oh no, Not jazz music! What the fuck is Paraguay? Gossip magazines are way better than literature! I hate to pull the feminist card here, because this is totally open to interpretation but: perhaps this commercial is promoting an image of femininity that is passive, apathetic, and obviously ignorant. While these women upon first glance appear to be antithetical to the negative stereotypes of women frequently seen in the media, underneath it all they're much the same. So put on your heels, ladies, and head to McDonalds and be the object of the male gaze that the media wants you to be. God forbid you be able to carry on an intelligent conversation about music, literature, or geography.
On the other hand, it could be argued that McDonalds is promoting acceptance of the working class, which might be a good angle in these tough economic times. While cafes like Starbuck's provide a myriad of delicious caffeinated beverages, they come at a premium accompanied by an image which the upper middle class may relate to better. Thus, a working class person may feel the need to put up a front and pay a hefty price to consume good coffee. Still, to connect ignorance to the working class isn't a good selling point. It's never a good idea to make fun of your target market.

In my search for this commercial online I came across an advertisement for McCafe which I have never seen in Canada. It's along the same lines, but it's a little more tame and doesn't make the subjects of the commercials look dumb. Is it because the subjects are men?

Even if you don't agree with the feminist deconstruction of this advertisement, you've got to admit: it's pretty dumb.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Awesome Stuff

I haven't written much in a while and the last few times I did, it was just lazy link posting. But lots of new, good, worthwhile things are coming this week. Just to keep you interested here are some more links for now.

We are socialized to believe that men are naturally predisposed to be handy. However, this trait is not biologically inherent. Hilarious proof here.

You know when you start to type something into google and google kindly suggests search query for you? This is based on how many people have searched these phrases. The idiocy of our society is exposed for your entertainment here.

An oldie but a goodie: Pork Chop Sandwiches.

Did you know that Lady Gaga is actually talented? Yup. She's been playing piano since childhood and wrote music for people like Britney Spears and Akon before making it big. Personally, not a huge fan but this video is friggen brilliant.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Go Train to St. Catharines/The Falls?!

Yes, finally it's here! But only for a limited time. From the St. Catharines Transit Commission website:
"People traveling to St. Catharines and Niagara Falls will have another way to get there – by GO Train. GO Transit will run seasonal weekend and holiday train service to Niagara Region, starting this summer. This service will offer four train trips daily in each direction on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from Saturday, June 27 through to Thanksgiving weekend, Monday, October 12. For more information, including fare and schedule information go to www.gotransit.com."

Shocking Footage from Iran

Today will mark the fourth day of protests in Iran after supporters of opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, claim that Friday's election results were rigged. A recount may happen, which would be limited in scope and performed by the Guardian Council, comprised of clerics and Islamic law experts close to leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Mousavi believes that this council is biased. If a recount produces the same results, it's possible that prostests will continue if the public doesn't trust the results. Foreign journalists have been banned from the streets of Iran and the government has blocked several websites from access, such as Facebook, Twitter, and many Pro-Mousavi websites. Gmail and Yahoo became difficult to connect to. These websites are vital sources of disseminating information for Iranians as well as a source of first hand information for those outside of Iran.

Here's a video
from the streets of Iran, obviously shot in an area where protests were occuring. Although the footage isn't exactly grousome, it's certainly not easy to watch. The Toronto Star also has some riviting photos from the protests.

Obama's a Ninja

Here's a fun little piece that's been getting a lot of attention. Obama killed a fly with his bare hands, all stealth and ninja-like, while being interviewed at the White House. Watch the clip here. My favourite people, PETA were not pleased, calling it an "executive insect execution."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm too lazy and uncreative to write about anything of substance. So here are some more links:

Dating Deal Breakers.
Funny enough, as I was thinking of themes for a blog I thought I'd write about bad hook up experience where my friends and I could contribute. This blog isn't as good as mine could have been, but it's pretty alright as a time waster.

And this blog, I bang the worst dudes is significantly better than my blog would have been.

Then there's look at this fucking hipster, which features pictures of hipsters and hilarious pictures.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Great music, courtesy of youtube

I kind of have this obsession with youtube, particularly for finding young female singer songwriters who I can live vicariously though. Here are some of my favourites. You will not be disappointed.

Emily Elbert

Danielle Ate the Sandwich

Kelli Rae Powell

St. Vincent

Kiersten Holine

Lizzy Loeb

Kaki King

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fear Mongering/Animal Cruelty

As mentioned before PETA aren't my favourite people in the world. I've done the vegetarian thing (and currently eat vegetarian about 5 days a week - meat is hard to give up!) and I'm not down with animal cruelty or the environmental detriment that the meat industry creates, but I can't support this group. However, I understand why they do the things they do.

Watch the news, read the newspaper. 90% of the stories propagate fear. Why? Because we're prone to fear. If we fear, we are naturally inclined to react. In the case of news media, fear is conducive to building an audience, which in turn creates good ratings, which in turn creates revenue.

I assume PETA isn't after profits. However, the organization wants to change peoples reaction to animal cruelty, and to create a world where everyone is vegan, testing on animals is abolished and no one wears fur. This is similar to the news media, which is often unfair and biased, which wants to create a world where we believe the propaganda which justifies wars and the actions of unscrupulous politicians.

As I mentioned before, I'm against animal cruelty. But, is it fair to scare people into believing something? Isn't it better to let people decide for themselves what they want to do by giving them accurate information? Fear mongering takes advantage of people and assumes that if we present information in a fair and just way people aren't smart enough to make the right decision, or that presenting both sides of a story creates ambivalence. It also assumes that people are desensitized, and that only the most shocking and disturbing portrayals of issues will illicit a reaction.

Moreover, I think a lot of people are naive to think that their choices as consumers will have an effect on anything. If you feel better about not eating meat, or not buying sweat-shop products, or buying organic, then by all means, do it. But if you think taking away a few measly bucks from a company will have any effect then I urge you to reconsider by which means you wish to make an oppositional stance.

This idea that we have agency through consumption is a myth created by the media. It is the same fallacy that tells you that you will be empowered (physically, sexually, socially) if you buy a Wonderbra or Axe deodorant! These corporations make millions and sometimes billions of dollars every year and they don't give a shit if you buy their product or not. A minuscule decrease in revenue perpetrated by a bunch of trustafarians is like a drop in the ocean to them.

So don't be naive. Let people know the facts, and if they agree with you, great. Rally those people together. Tackle the system from the inside. Use the medias love of sensational events to stage a protest in a visible area as bait. Spread your message. Be concise, and don't be pretentious. Don't use hate. Don't use fear. Because then you're lowering yourself to their level. And if you want to stage a protest, I'll join you with a sign, war paint, and a loud speaker.

And like my roommate James suggested, joining a facebook group isn't doing any good either.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Right now I'm working on a seminar presentation for my sociology class about gender. One of the topics that I have to discuss and lead a discussion in is hegemonic masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity refers to the ideal of masculinity that our society upholds and promotes. While the majority of men cannot and do not fit into this ideal, they try to, because the closer you are to this ideal, the more power you have over other men and women.

This video is really well done and exemplifies how this hegemonic masculinity manifests itself in violence, which is often an acceptable expression of masculine power. Time constraints don't allow me to show this video, but I thought it was really good, so I wanted to share it with someone.

This one shows how mass media indoctrinates men and women from an early age about hegemonic masculinity so that it becomes normalized. Disney is evil!!!! (Okay, it's not all bad... I love the Lion King).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I hate goths...

...and so should you, because that's the right thing to do. Here's something to get you started: goths in hot weather.

Speaking of people you should hate: these guys. What the fuck. I couldn't even get through the video, I was laughing so hard I cried.

This guy
on the other hand is awesome. "I fuck all day, that's why I stink."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dr. George Tiller

The death of Dr. George Tiller, provider of abortions, including late-term abortions, has received a lot of media attention. Tiller was killed by Scott Roeder, a mentally ill anti-abortion* activist. However, things like this have been going on for decades. I can't imagine the pain, embarrassment and guilt a woman must feel when she walks up to an abortion clinic, and has to face judgment from the screaming mobs of anti-abortion activists. If you're at all interested in abortion issues, I highly recommend the documentary Lake of Fire which is compelling, disturbing and eye opening.

*I don't use the term pro-life to describe these people, since people who are pro-choice are not pro-death; the terms should be parallel.

Oh, Cosmo

This month's issue of Cosmo featured two really... um, interesting, cover stories. The first of which is titled "100 Sex Questions; We Answer Every Dirty Thing You Want To Know- in 20 Words or Less." As usual, Cosmo offers us nothing new and this feature is essentially a cumulative look at what Cosmo has advised for many years in many issues. And because of this, unless you're 14, it's not likely you're going to learn anything new from this article. But like all of Cosmo, it's good for a laugh. Here are some examples of questions and answers that made me laugh out loud:
Q: If I don't have lube, what should I use?
A: Saliva
Q: Why does my boyfriend want to ejaculate on me?
A: He probably saw it in a porno movie
Q: How can I get him to spank me?
A: Spank yourself and he'll follow suit
Q: How should semen taste and smell?
A: Slightly sweet and a bit chlorine-ish
[I disagree... there's no way to describe semen and everyone's different]
Q: What does being inside me feel like for him?
A: Stick your finger in your mouth and suck and you'll get an idea
[Oh, come on!]

The second cover story is a shocker - Virgins in Cosmo? Seven women, age 20 to 23, present their reasons for remaining virgins. Interestingly, none of the women reported staying virgins for religious reasons or staying 'pure' until marriage. My feeling is that Cosmo simply decided for forgo statements from religious women because of the negative view people may have of them. Or maybe religious virgins don't read Cosmo. I think a general sentiment about religious virgins is that they have a "holier than thou" attitude. I have nothing against people who are virgins by choice, religious or not. However, many of the girls in this story reaffirm the stereotype that virgins-by-choice think they're better than those who are not virgins.
Taylor, 20, says "the though of doing it with just anyone disgusts me... I don't understand how people can let so many random people get that close." I don't understand how people can be so disgusting is how that reads to me. Andrea, 20, is worse. She describes her five female roommates as "sex-crazed," as if there's something wrong with their enjoyment of sex. They tease her about her virgin status, which she believes is fueled by her roommates' insecurity and jealousy due to her being "stronger than they've been." Yet Andrea admits to fooling around with guys, as do most of the girls interviewed, as if other sexual acts (like oral sex) are any less intimate than sex. I think Andrea's friends tease her because she's so high and mighty about her virgin status, and they want revenge on her for judging their choices.
The other girls admit to wanting to lose their virginity soon, probably due to the pressures they face from boys and friends. Victoria, 23 admits her "virginity feels like a handicap... I might just settle for the next semidecent guy who comes around." Courtney, 20, says "I want to lose my virginity really bad." I'm really unimpressed with the two extremes presented here ("I really want to lose it" vs. "Sex is gross"). If you're a virgin, be proud of the choices you make. Emily, 23 waited for her first kiss until she was 16 and it was perfect. She wants losing her virginity to be the same. Unfortunately, according to Cosmo, 40% of women polled said that losing their virginity wasn't what they expected. Also, the average age to lose one's virginity is 16 (19%). It's no wonder why some of these girls are feeling pressure to lose their virginity.
If I had to tell these girls anything it would involve the following:
  • losing your virginity isn't a big deal because even if you plan for it to be perfect, it will probably hurt, you'll probably be nervous and, according to Cosmo, 88% of you won't orgasm. It won't be perfect
  • I'm worried that there girls have too high expectations for the men they choose to have sex with. Men aren't perfect and just because a dude is a horn dog (which most guys in their late teens and early 20s are) doesn't mean he's not trust worthy, loving, and compassionate.
  • you're not any better than anyone if you don't have sex, just like I'm not any better for having sex. If you're worried about getting pregnant or getting an STD, be smart and use protection. That's the true indicator of smart vs. dumb in the world of sex.
Please see also clips from the Tyra Banks show (which I normally have a strong dislike for), where a young man and woman have never had sex, even after months of marriage, due to the woman's fear and anxiety about sex. A totally extreme example, but an interesting case study, nonetheless.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

If you're anything like me

you're an angry, disgruntled feminist and love Roseanne! Just kidding... sort of. She's a really cool lady and she blogs about things that are relevant and interesting. Check it out.

While I'm at it, I might as well share my love for Slow Children At Play. Apparently I'm a couple years too late, as this blog hasn't been updated in years, which puts me at a loss because I read through the entire thing in one day. The author writes about his daily ordeals as a councilor at a group home for boys who have severe emotional and behavioural problems, with a sense of humour.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Morals vs Ethics

One of my biggest fans posed the query: "is it wrong to look up your TA on facebook and marvel at all his sexually attractive glory, knowing that it will never happen between you two?"
I must ask, however, if it's even wrong to pursue a relationship with a teaching assistant? Is there a moral code against that? Most TA's are only a couple years older than the students, if that, and if you're anything like me or my friends, you will understand the sexual prowess that comes from being intelligent. Problem: how would you even approach that situation? "Can we get together over coffee to discuss Foucault and how he might percieve the current discourse on the economic situation of..." *YAWN*. No one actually wants to discuss course work over coffee and if they do, well they're probably not that fun to be around anyway.
But back to the original question, I deem that this behaviour is legitimized through the TA's own decision to leave his profile open for public, and questionably stalker-like, viewing.
If anyone wants to inform me about the difference between morals and ethics, I'd enjoy a lively discussion about it. Maybe over coffee?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Next Best Thing

I'm fairly certain that this website will be the best thing since sliced bread, or at least since FML. www.textsfromlastnight.com
People send in hilarious text messages they've sent or received. Most of it entails drunken debauchery and viewers get to rate the texts as indicative of a good night or bad night. Each new item is sent in anonymously, except for the area code.
Here's an example:
I just accidently sent my poop smells like vodka to 27 people in my phone book


Bill Clinton is sexy.
President Bill Clinton Pictures, Images and Photos

Agree or disagree?

Quick Update

If you read the story about the young girl and her racist piece of shit parents, and you feel like you're too happy today and maybe want to take it down a notch, here's an update and more info.

Now that you're pissed off, to brighten the mood watch this awesome two year old play pool like a boss! But make sure you turn down your speakers because a Creed song accompanies this video.

It's official. The high court in California decided to uphold Prop 8, the denial of access to marriage for homosexuals. The state thinks this is OK because homosexual couples are able to benefit from the same rights at hetero couples, just without the title. Those married before November get to keep their title. The moral of this story: Don't elect Austrian beef-cake action heroes as your governor. Thanks for the tip Rach!

Seal hearts, seal hearts, eat them up, yum!

As you may or may not have heard, Governor General Michelle Jean took a trip to sunny Nunavut to indulge in some delicious seal heart with the natives as a sign of solidarity and support for their ancient cultural practices. Good for her. I support our First Nations in maintaining their culture, you know, considering all the shit white people have put them through for the last 500 years or so.
HOWEVER, as usual, PETA has their panties in a bunch over this. Dan Matthews of PETA thinks Jean is indulging in "bloodlust," and all I can think of is Jean salivating, knife and fork in hand while maniacally staring at the plate of seal heart in front of her, while her panties are wet. Matthews went on to say that "it sounds like she's trying to give Canadians an even more Neanderthal image around the world than they already have." Honestly, Daniel, that's just stupid of you. It sounds like he's trying to give PETA an even more extremist image than they already have. Yet, Matthews goes on to say that himself and PETA are only interested in the commercial hunt of seals and that he acknowledges the cultural significance of the native seal hunt. That I can agree with, even though he's being an idiotic hypocrite.
The article I got this information from is written with an obvious intent to discredit PETA, and since I always agree with the Toronto Star, I may be biased. So tell me what you think of all this and leave me a comment.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things Most People Don't Think About

Grease (1978) is a film beloved by many generations. I've probably seen it at least a few times in my life, and have enjoyed the film especially as a young girl. As a child though, you miss a lot of subtext and sociocultural meanings associated with a film. As a Popular Culture student who has taken a few film courses, that's pretty much all you see when you watch a movie. I totally missed this one though, but surprisingly, none other than Kathy Lee Gifford pointed this out on the Today Show: Grease is a horrible, sexist film. OK, so Gifford took it a little too far, but her point was valid. Sandy knows where she stands. She's a good girl with morals and values. Sadly, her peers make fun of her for her beliefs and the man of her dreams, Danny, thinks she's a prude. So in order to get her man back, she changes her persona completely just to reel him in. Cut to everyone dancing and singing as a joyous celebration of her transformation. What a terrible message! I wouldn't go as far as KLG to say that Sandy had to become a "slut" to get her man back, I hate that word and everything our culture associates with it. Granted, Danny himself goes from Greaser to Jock, but his transformation was more goal oriented than appearance oriented. Moreover, the emphasis throughout the film was on Sandy's persona than his. Sorry, I have a tendency to ruin television and film for people by revealing everything that's wrong with everything that's going on. Anyway, Rizzo was always my favourite and in my youth I dreamed of playing Rizzo in a theatrical production of Grease. Too bad she too had to deal with negotiating her identity for the approval of her peers (as in the song, "There are Worse Things I Could Do").

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cold Cuts

Remember that story about the couple who named their child Adolf Hitler and were shocked when they were refused a customized birthday cake for said son? This is worse, mostly because it's not a novelty item. Courts learned that a young girl was told it was o.k. to kill minorities among other overt and disgusting racist things during the child's custody trial, brought on by her racist behaviour observed at school. I can't believe this shit is actually happening.

The Ontario Government and the Federal Government have teamed up to fix up university and college infrastructure. This two year project will cost about $1.5 billion. This project will help schools with maintenance and construction projects and promises to create new jobs in an effort to stimulate Canada’s economy, which is currently less stable than my emotions while drunk on vodka. Canadian Federation of Students: it's not enough.

The French government has accused the Church of Scientology
of being a money grubbing cult. Well, duh. One idiot payed 21,000 euros for the church's "services." The church has no legal protection in France like it does in North America, so the church faces fraud charges. Tom Cruise is probably jumping on a couch somewhere in a maniacal rage.

Bikes win, cars lose in Toronto on Jarvais street, where cars have to give up a lane in each direction to bikers, despite city council's acknowledgment that the change will cause congestion. I'm with the bikers on this one. Get off your fat ass a ride a bike.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Here are some links that serve as an introduction to who I am and what I'm all about. Periodically I'll share links to websites, videos and articles that I find interesting (and so should you!).

"Money For Nothing" is probably one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Plus it features a bunch of really cool people like Ani DiFranco and Michael Franti. It's pretty much about how corrupt the music industry is (and how!). Here's a taste. If you get a chance, check out the other snippets of "Challanging Media" videos via YouTube.

Jezebel is a blog from the Gawker network catering to a (mostly) female audience by publishing articles which interest educated, modern (read: feminist) women. Topics include politics, news, sex, celebrities, and fashion. But don't be fooled, this isn't Cosmopolitan (it's actually pretty anti-Cosmopolitan). But check it out for yourself. And don't skip over "Pot Psychology," it's a riot.

I hate how modern society operates and have an (undiagnosed) anxiety disorder. One of them is symptomatic of the other, but I'm not sure which. Anxiety Culture has helped me negotiate this. Fun and informative articles that investigate how we're manipulated by the system and the media, that working is for suckers, managing your emotions, and more.

When I'm feeling down, or immature, or grotesque I turn to Cyanide and Happiness to help me accept that being weird is a good thing.

And if this is not enough and you feel like being creepy, check me out on Stumble Upon. I stumble a lot, especially while procrastinating or being unemployed. If I stumble across anything interesting I'll definitely post it here.

The Hangover Blues

Today I'm suffering from anxiety brought on by a combination the previous night's binge drinking and today's clothes shopping. Sometimes after I drink I get really sad the next day. One of my roommates told me that she sometimes feels this way as well, but usually when I tell people about my hangover blues they don't quite understand, having not experienced this. On the other hand, I rarely suffer from hangover symptoms that manifest physically, such as vomiting and headaches (I attribute this to drinking at least a bottle of water before bed). "Lucky" is what some of my pukier friends may say. The hangover blues isn't any better though.

Apparently, if someone drinks a lot of alcohol, and often, it is likely that they will experience depressive or anxious episodes frequently after drinking (Shukit, 1996, 81). Why? Because alcohol inhibits the body's production of glutamine, a stimulant which counters the depressive qualities of alcohol. The body has to work overtime during your sleep to replenish glutamine as your blood alcohol level drops. This in turn stimulates the brain, and while you may feel as if you got the best sleep of life after a night of drinking, in fact, you don't get the best kind of sleep your body needs to heal. This leads to fatigue, shakiness, and possibly even anxiety the next day.

Last night I dreamed that I weighed myself and I weighed about 30 pounds more than I weigh now. This is where it all started. And it got progressively worse. My girlfriends and I decided to go shopping. I decided that I was too fat for anything. I fucking hate the mirrors in Winners, they always make me feel fat. I almost cried in the ladies dressing room while my friends, one of which has a model-like body, tried on 12 different items each. I walked away with an oversized shirt with long sleeves which covers up any semblance of curvature, lumps, fat, and bulge exceptionally. More on this body-hate later though, I have a lot to say on this topic and it deserves it's own separate discussion. In the meantime, I'm going to watch Home Improvement and drink apple juice, because both will help my hangover blues.