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I'm fairly certain that this website will be the best thing since sliced bread, or at least since FML.
People send in hilarious text messages they've sent or received. Most of it entails drunken debauchery and viewers get to rate the texts as indicative of a good night or bad night. Each new item is sent in anonymously, except for the area code.
Here's an example:
I just accidently sent my poop smells like vodka to 27 people in my phone book
Bill Clinton is sexy.
Agree or disagree?
If you read the story about the young girl and her racist piece of shit parents, and you feel like you're too happy today and maybe want to take it down a notch, here's an update and more info.
Now that you're pissed off, to brighten the mood watch this awesome two year old play pool like a boss! But make sure you turn down your speakers because a Creed song accompanies this video.
It's official. The high court in California decided to uphold Prop 8, the denial of access to marriage for homosexuals. The state thinks this is OK because homosexual couples are able to benefit from the same rights at hetero couples, just without the title. Those married before November get to keep their title. The moral of this story: Don't elect Austrian beef-cake action heroes as your governor. Thanks for the tip Rach!
As you may or may not have heard, Governor General Michelle Jean took a trip to sunny Nunavut to indulge in some delicious seal heart with the natives as a sign of solidarity and support for their ancient cultural practices. Good for her. I support our First Nations in maintaining their culture, you know, considering all the shit white people have put them through for the last 500 years or so.
HOWEVER, as usual, PETA has their panties in a bunch over this. Dan Matthews of PETA thinks Jean is indulging in "bloodlust," and all I can think of is Jean salivating, knife and fork in hand while maniacally staring at the plate of seal heart in front of her, while her panties are wet. Matthews went on to say that "it sounds like she's trying to give Canadians an even more Neanderthal image around the world than they already have." Honestly, Daniel, that's just stupid of you. It sounds like he's trying to give PETA an even more extremist image than they already have. Yet, Matthews goes on to say that himself and PETA are only interested in the commercial hunt of seals and that he acknowledges the cultural significance of the native seal hunt. That I can agree with, even though he's being an idiotic hypocrite.
The article I got this information from is written with an obvious intent to discredit PETA, and since I always agree with the Toronto Star, I may be biased. So tell me what you think of all this and leave me a comment.
Grease (1978) is a film beloved by many generations. I've probably seen it at least a few times in my life, and have enjoyed the film especially as a young girl. As a child though, you miss a lot of subtext and sociocultural meanings associated with a film. As a Popular Culture student who has taken a few film courses, that's pretty much all you see when you watch a movie. I totally missed this one though, but surprisingly, none other than Kathy Lee Gifford pointed this out on the Today Show: Grease is a horrible, sexist film. OK, so Gifford took it a little too far, but her point was valid. Sandy knows where she stands. She's a good girl with morals and values. Sadly, her peers make fun of her for her beliefs and the man of her dreams, Danny, thinks she's a prude. So in order to get her man back, she changes her persona completely just to reel him in. Cut to everyone dancing and singing as a joyous celebration of her transformation. What a terrible message! I wouldn't go as far as KLG to say that Sandy had to become a "slut" to get her man back, I hate that word and everything our culture associates with it. Granted, Danny himself goes from Greaser to Jock, but his transformation was more goal oriented than appearance oriented. Moreover, the emphasis throughout the film was on Sandy's persona than his. Sorry, I have a tendency to ruin television and film for people by revealing everything that's wrong with everything that's going on. Anyway, Rizzo was always my favourite and in my youth I dreamed of playing Rizzo in a theatrical production of Grease. Too bad she too had to deal with negotiating her identity for the approval of her peers (as in the song, "There are Worse Things I Could Do").
Remember that story about the couple who named their child Adolf Hitler and were shocked when they were refused a customized birthday cake for said son? This is worse, mostly because it's not a novelty item. Courts learned that a young girl was told it was o.k. to kill minorities among other overt and disgusting racist things during the child's custody trial, brought on by her racist behaviour observed at school. I can't believe this shit is actually happening.
The Ontario Government and the Federal Government have teamed up to fix up university and college infrastructure. This two year project will cost about $1.5 billion. This project will help schools with maintenance and construction projects and promises to create new jobs in an effort to stimulate Canada’s economy, which is currently less stable than my emotions while drunk on vodka. Canadian Federation of Students: it's not enough.
The French government has accused the Church of Scientology of being a money grubbing cult. Well, duh. One idiot payed 21,000 euros for the church's "services." The church has no legal protection in France like it does in North America, so the church faces fraud charges. Tom Cruise is probably jumping on a couch somewhere in a maniacal rage.
Bikes win, cars lose in Toronto on Jarvais street, where cars have to give up a lane in each direction to bikers, despite city council's acknowledgment that the change will cause congestion. I'm with the bikers on this one. Get off your fat ass a ride a bike.
Here are some links that serve as an introduction to who I am and what I'm all about. Periodically I'll share links to websites, videos and articles that I find interesting (and so should you!).
"Money For Nothing" is probably one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Plus it features a bunch of really cool people like Ani DiFranco and Michael Franti. It's pretty much about how corrupt the music industry is (and how!). Here's a taste. If you get a chance, check out the other snippets of "Challanging Media" videos via YouTube.
Jezebel is a blog from the Gawker network catering to a (mostly) female audience by publishing articles which interest educated, modern (read: feminist) women. Topics include politics, news, sex, celebrities, and fashion. But don't be fooled, this isn't Cosmopolitan (it's actually pretty anti-Cosmopolitan). But check it out for yourself. And don't skip over "Pot Psychology," it's a riot.
I hate how modern society operates and have an (undiagnosed) anxiety disorder. One of them is symptomatic of the other, but I'm not sure which. Anxiety Culture has helped me negotiate this. Fun and informative articles that investigate how we're manipulated by the system and the media, that working is for suckers, managing your emotions, and more.
When I'm feeling down, or immature, or grotesque I turn to Cyanide and Happiness to help me accept that being weird is a good thing.
And if this is not enough and you feel like being creepy, check me out on Stumble Upon. I stumble a lot, especially while procrastinating or being unemployed. If I stumble across anything interesting I'll definitely post it here.
Today I'm suffering from anxiety brought on by a combination the previous night's binge drinking and today's clothes shopping. Sometimes after I drink I get really sad the next day. One of my roommates told me that she sometimes feels this way as well, but usually when I tell people about my hangover blues they don't quite understand, having not experienced this. On the other hand, I rarely suffer from hangover symptoms that manifest physically, such as vomiting and headaches (I attribute this to drinking at least a bottle of water before bed). "Lucky" is what some of my pukier friends may say. The hangover blues isn't any better though.
Apparently, if someone drinks a lot of alcohol, and often, it is likely that they will experience depressive or anxious episodes frequently after drinking (Shukit, 1996, 81). Why? Because alcohol inhibits the body's production of glutamine, a stimulant which counters the depressive qualities of alcohol. The body has to work overtime during your sleep to replenish glutamine as your blood alcohol level drops. This in turn stimulates the brain, and while you may feel as if you got the best sleep of life after a night of drinking, in fact, you don't get the best kind of sleep your body needs to heal. This leads to fatigue, shakiness, and possibly even anxiety the next day.
Last night I dreamed that I weighed myself and I weighed about 30 pounds more than I weigh now. This is where it all started. And it got progressively worse. My girlfriends and I decided to go shopping. I decided that I was too fat for anything. I fucking hate the mirrors in Winners, they always make me feel fat. I almost cried in the ladies dressing room while my friends, one of which has a model-like body, tried on 12 different items each. I walked away with an oversized shirt with long sleeves which covers up any semblance of curvature, lumps, fat, and bulge exceptionally. More on this body-hate later though, I have a lot to say on this topic and it deserves it's own separate discussion. In the meantime, I'm going to watch Home Improvement and drink apple juice, because both will help my hangover blues.